Free Hosting
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Based on this selection, you pick which docker image you want your server to have.
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2024 Cheap Offers!
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New York location for the lowest ping possible! (~25ms)
Monthly Hosting!
Power your Bot with high clock speed I9-9900k, Amd Ryzen & EPYC CPUs!
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You have questions but no answers?
I hope I answered all your questions here, if not.. join our Discord Server!
What CPU is my server going to have?
Your server will have the exact CPU written when selecting your desired plan. It's usually an I9 9900k since that's what we mostly have in stock.
What type of Minecraft Servers can I host on Pylex?
You can use any type of desired JARs. The default startup command is vanilla-friendly. You can always open a ticket if you need a custom startup command (for example applying Aikar's Flags)
Can you get a refund if you don't want my server anymore?
Absolutely! We offer guaranteed refunds if your server has been purchased within 48 hours of you opening the ticket.
Is it possible for your Startup Command to be changed?
Of course! Just open a ticket and someone will help you with that as soon as possible!
Where can I get answers if I have additional questions?
The community is waiting for you to join our Discord Server! Join us now by accessing!
Why are there soo many ads on the Free Hosting side?
We need a way to provide free hosting services, so without ads it will be near impossible to do it!